Driven by availability of large-scale data sets, the study of human mobility has flourished in recent
years, creating new solutions to society-wide technological problems and policy issues, from urban
planning and traffic forecasting, to the modelling and simulation of epidemics. We are focusing
in characterising spatio-temporal patterns of human exploration and discovery, by investigating
the mobility behaviour of a densely connected population of 1000 students participating in the
Copenhagen Network Study, ran at the DTU University during the last 3 years. Preliminary results
show how the daily rhythm, the weekly periodicity, and the yearly structure affect human exploration
behaviour in unexpected ways.


Laura Maria Alessandretti I am a PhD student at the School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering of City University London, in the team of Andrea Baronchelli . I got my Master's in Physics - Complex Systems at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon in September 2014. I conducted my Master's thesis research on "Revealing latent structure in multiplex networks of public transportation", together with Laetitia Gauvin from the ISI Foundation and Marton Karsai from the IXXI Institute of ENS Lyon. Find more information about me on my CV. I am interested in Computational Social Science, Data Science and Complex Networks. My current researches focus on understanding and measuring several aspects of human individual and collective behaviour combining analysis of experimental data and theoretical modelling.

Young Researchers e-session



Photos by : Derek K. Miller