ADHD is a neurological disorder, which is present approximately in the 4% of children population at early ages in school. Scientific evidence shows that doing preventive education helps mitigating the educational risks associated with this disorder. Nevertheless, in pedagogical practice there is the need for a more accurate psycho-diagnosis, which could help doing a better preventive education.
This paper explores the possibility and implications of using the method of agent-based computational modeling and simulation to understand the complexity of preventive education of children with ADHD. For this purpose, it is assumed that preventive education manages two essential processes: educational communication and educational orientation, in a school-family-community context.
Finally, a comparison is made between the traditional methods and the agent-based computational modeling and simulation ones. Conclusions are drawn concerning its usefulness in preventive education.


Lesvia Amelia Prieto Valdivieso Member of Honorary Chair of Complexity Assistant Professor at Department of Social Communication and Journalism
Mirlandia Odilia Valdés Florat Researcher and Senior Lecturer at the Study Center for Bussiness Management
Maritza Cuenca Díaz Senior Lecturer at Department of Preschool Education
Marcelo Angel Chacón Reyes President of Honorary Chair of Complexity Associate Professor at Department of Physics

Integrative Science of Education e-session


Photos by : David Rytell