When acting on a complex system, institutions in charge of its governance firstly face the problem of defining desired objectives. Often, these objectives must integrate the conflicting interests and points of view of diverse stakeholders at multiple scales. Then, in order to compromise and to decide on policy actions to match the objectives, it is necessary to build an appropriate understanding of the phenomena, often through modeling, and which includes the effect of the potential actions. (Here, we touch again on the general problem of modeling and reconstructing dynamics from data, addressed in another part of the roadmap). Unfortunately, current methods for addressing action policies (reinforcement learning, viability, etc.) are only practically usable for models in state spaces of low dimensionality. Solutions can be sought in two directions: either by extending these methods to multiscale and higher dimensionality dynamics and multi-level actions (e.g. central and decentralized), or by projecting multiscale dynamics in smaller spaces. The use of stylized dynamics, when possible, is another research direction that could open new possibilities for managing good policy actions on complex dynamics. Finally, dynamics are often uncertain and partially unknown, which implies a difficult compromise between exploitation of better known parts of the dynamics and exploration of worse known parts. This problem can be extended to the reformulation of the problem (including the objectives). This framework similarly addresses problems of control and of design.
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