Deep down: growing a root at the cellular level - Mikaël Lucas (672)
Morphogenetic engineering: toward programmable complex systems - René Doursat (588)
Quantifying crowd size with mobile phone and Twitter data - Federico Botta (561)
Multiscale dynamics and symmetries: multifractals and stochastic Lie algebra - Daniel Schertzer (527), Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia (528)
Sustainable territorial development based on innovative exploring of local talents - Eunika Mercier-Laurent (517)
Synergetics. An interdisciplinary approach to Self-organization in complex systems - Hermann Haken (466)
Information topology, a mathematical theory of Complex Systems and data - Pierre Baudot (434)
A multi-agent system approach to load-balancing and resource allocation for distributed computing - Soumya Banerjee (405)
The mind near the edge: A novel view of brain function - Dante Chialvo (373)
Analysis of a Planetary Scale Scientific Collaboration Dataset Reveals Novel Patterns - Soumya Banerjee (265)