Extending Dow and Eff?s (2007, 2009) innovative DEf01-R for modeling evolutionary network effects, a Complex Social Science http://intersci.ss.uci.edu (CoSSci) Gateway co-developed with Argonne provides complex analyses of ethnographic, archaeological, historical, ecological, and biological datasets with easy open access. Analyses of dependent variable y with n observations, X independent and other variables; imputes missing data for all variates. Several (n x n) W* matrices measure evolutionary network effects such as diffusion or phylogenetic ancestries. W* is row-normalized to sum to 1 to obtain a W, multiplied by X as WX, and allowing X and y multiplication by W: Wy measures the evolutionary autocorrelation portion of y discounting evolutionary effects of close or related neighbors. Tested for exogeneity, error terms uncorrelated with the independent variables, the 2-stage OLS results include measures of propinquity and phylogenetics and independent variable predictors that are relativized for autocorrelation.

CoSSci uses DEf01 imputed variables to let users explore complex networks of variables including terms for Wy evolutionary autocorrelation results. The user keeps the dependent and independent variables in the model, adding Unrestricted independent variables relevant to the dependent variable. Group significance tests select among these Unrestricted variables those that pass the Holm-Bonferroni (H-B) test with respect to the dependent and independent variables. All variables are then analyzed for potentially Bayesian causal networks using AIC and R library(bnlearn). Supercomputer HPC is needed because random 50% or more subsets of observations or variables using library(bootstrap) may identify alternative causal networks of variables.


Douglas White Mathematical Behavioral Sciences UCI Professor XI Emeritushttp://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/index.php/DW_home
Paul Rodriguez Predictive Analytics Center of Excellence Paul Rodriguez received his PhD in Cognitive Science at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in 1999. He spent several years doing research in neural network modeling, dynamical systems simulations, time series analysis, and statistical methods for analysis and predictions in fMRI data. He has more recently worked in data mining for health care fraud identification, and optimization of data intensive network flow models. Research Programmer / Analysthttp://pace.sdsc.edu/node/41
Eric Blau Mathematics and Computer Science Tools and Technology for Solving Critical Scientific Problemshttp://www.mcs.anl.gov/person/eric-blau
Łukasz Lacinski Life Sciences; Culture & Society; Planet & Environment; Particles to Cosmos; Data & Computation, Affiliated with University of Chicago. GlobusWorld 2013, Argonne, ILhttp://www.ci.anl.gov/profile/241
Rachana Ananthakrishnan Life Sciences; Culture & Society; Planet & Environment; Particles to Cosmos; Data & Computation, Affiliated with University of Chicago. GlobusWorld 2013, Argonne, ILhttp://www.ci.anl.gov/profile/147
Stuart Martin Stuart Martin is Software Development Manager at the Computation Institute. Joint Appointment-UC/Computation Institute
Thomas Uram Futures Laboratory Mathematics and Computer Science Divisionhttp://www.mcs.anl.gov/~turam
Tolga Oztan Mathematical Behavioral Sciences 5th year PhD student Mathematical Social Sciences, expert in DEF01 and R-based analyseshttp://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/index.php/Tolga_Oztan
Douglas White Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Professor IX Emeritushttp://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/index.php/DW_home

Synthesis of Ecology, Biology and Ethnographic Data e-session