If you have a question that can improve this FAQ, please write to CS-DC’15 <unitwin.csdc15@gmail.com>
Latest News:
2015-09-30 @ 6:42:01 UTC
If you encounter some problems, please contact us via skype:
Pierre Collet: p_g_collet
Paul Bourgine: paulbourgine
Pierre Parrend: pierrotthehacker
2015-09-29 @ 16:20:01 UTC
Some answers to pending questions for authors (but also session chair)
2015-09-28 @ 17:55:01 UTC
- The deadline for authors who are pre-recording their talks has been offset to Sept 30 at 7:00 (after this date, the server network is used for the conference)
- Check out for the small modifications in the schedule to avoid overlapping session parts
- The time has come for you to prepare your path into the programme. You can use the great “horizontal” programme made for us by Patricia Cifuentes (thanks Patricia!).
- Plenary talks take 45mn+15mn questions, so prepare your questions!
- The main points in the “general discussions” that end each session part are to discuss new remaining scientific challenges and how to deal with them (this could be the subject of future CS-DC e-events for example) — please write your propositions in the e-room chat box. It is possible to use the room again in the future to continue the discussions.
- Recording will start automatically in order to avoid loosing your contributions forever. However, don’t forget that no contribution (including the video) will be published without your agreement. And each of you can ask the current chair to stop the recording at any moment and start again the recording whenever necessary.
- In the BBB videoconferencing system, it is possible (and even recommended) to view the presentation in “full screen” by i) enlarging the presentation window to its maximum size and ii) using your browser “full screen” mode (F5 for example)
Basic instructions for CS-DC’15 attendees:
- A unique e-room is associated to each talk, in order to separate the different recordings: you can now have access to each e-room corresponding to each talk on the program page. Each talk is starting exactly at its scheduled time in its own e-room. The speaker or the current e-session chair will open the e-room at least two minutes before the scheduled time. Clicking on the orange E-ROOM button in the program allows to join the e-room.
- During a talk, only the speaker’s audio/video channel is open, allowing for the best recording quality (avoiding Larsen effect, as if you were alone in the CS-DC recording studio). This also reduces a lot the necessity for a large bandwidth, allowing for a better reception quality for colleagues who do not benefit from high quality internet connexions.
- All talks are recorded (unless the speaker does not wish to). If you miss a talk you are interested in, (because of conflicting schedule or because you cannot connect at the time of the interesting talk), you will be able to view it again later on (with no time limit). You will only miss the opportunity to ask a live question at the end of the talk.
- Priority to real-world rooms: The number of places are limited in an e-room. Because several people can attend a session un a Real World Room, they have priority over single connexions that are using bandwidth. Please have a look at the world map in the free e-registration page to see if you can attend CS-DC’15 in a Real World Room. This will also have the advantage to bring people together and promote human interaction at all distance between researchers who may come to know each other via a CS-DC’15 mini event.
Please look at the section below for more complete instructions.
Basic instructions for current e-session chairs:
e-Session chairs must first log in as “chair@cs-dc.org” and then with their own e-mail. A current e-session chair is always in charge of the e-session using the two following principles:
- when the current e-session chair must leave for some reason, he/she asks some other speaker in the e-session to replace him.
- By default, the next speaker will assume the charge of being the e-session chair. This can be the case if for any reason, the official e-session chair(s) do not show up at the beginning of the session. The first author is then asked to chair the e-session until the official chair(s) can connect.
Please look at the section below for more complete instructions.
Basic instructions for presenting authors:
The rules are the following:
- Each speaker can personally open his/her e-room. It will also be the case for the current e-session (co)chairs at the time of the conference.
- Pre-recording (deadline Sept 30 7.00 UTC) is highly recommended but not mandatory, unless:
- you are presenting a poster,
- you have a slow/problematic connection,
- you cannot deliver a live talk (because you are not available at the scheduled time for your talk), or
- your presentation contains videos or heavy simulations
Pre-recording has a lot of advantages as
- it provides the best possible quality;
- if uploaded on youtube or on different archives, the solution is scalable whatever is the size of the conference;
- it increases the speakers’ skills to deliver their talk as a videoconference (without an audience).
Please look at the section below for more complete instructions.
For attendees:
Before the conference (and before reading the lines below), please take a couple of minutes to practice in the common virtual room this short tutorial: CS-DC’15 Attendee Guide (22s).
You can also attend a real CS-DC’15 mini-event (look on the world map to see if a CS-DC Real World Room can welcome you in your neighbourhood).
In order to attend a particular talk, please click on the corresponding button in the program. Each talk has a unique BBB e-room. Log in with your email.
- Once you are inside the BBB e-room to attend the talk, there are two cases:
- If the presentation is live, all will take place in this BBB room at the UTC time given in the program.
- If the presentation is pre-recorded, you can click on the (first) url in the chat of the BBB e-room to watch the video before coming back into the same e-room for the question time (that will take place live, at most 5mn before the end of the planned talk in the program). As an example, if the time for a talk appears in the program as “10:20 to 10:50 (UTC)”, the question time will start at most at 10:45 UTC (it is possible that the talks stops sooner in which case the questions will also start sooner). Finally, it is also possible that the presenter is not available during his time slot (which is why he has pre-recorded his talk) in which case there will be no live questions for this talk.
- You ran resize all frames of the BBB web page to enjoy a better view of the presentation or of the speaker.
After the presentation, there are two ways to ask questions, depending whether you are an isolated attendee or in a real-world room:
- If you are using your own computer, you must write the short content of your question in the chat frame (on the right of the BBB page) and raise your virtual hand (cf. CS-DC’15 Attendee Guide —22s). If your question is selected by the e-session chair, he will enable your microphone and video (if you have a webcam) so that you can ask your question live. After you have asked your question, the e-session chair will disable your audio/video channel.
- If you are in a real-world room, please give your question to your room chair who will transcribe it in the chat box and raise a virtual hand on behalf of the Real World Room (cf. CS-DC’15 Attendee Guide —22s). If your question is selected, please come in front of the computer to ask your question as in case 1.
For current e-session (co-)chair(s):
Before the conference (and before reading the lines below), please take a couple of minutes to practice in the common virtual room these short tutorials:
- CS-DC’15 Attendee guide (22s),
- How to use the BBB interface and upload a presentation (70s),
- CS-DC’15 Moderator guide (52s) and
- How to record a BBB session (41s)
You are the current e-session chair and you are either in front of your personal computer or in front of the computer of the real-world room you are chairing:
- If you cannot continue to chair for the next talk, you can ask either your co-chair or an author of the e-session to become temporary chair during your absence. (An author can be his own e-session chair). Please put the name of the next chair in the chat box of the e-room so that the next chair has time to prepare to take over.
- As the e-session chair, you have the responsibility to open the all BBB e-rooms associated to the talks of your e-session (that can be opened by clicking on the appropriate button of the program). You must log in with “chair@cs-dc.org“ and then you log in a second time with your email. By login in, you are opening the e-room if it was not already open by the speaker. Both you and the speaker are moderators of the e-room.
- Open your audio/video BBB channel to introduce the speaker, give him the floor and then, close your audio/video channel. Your BBB e-room is open in standard mode so that you can see the connected participants and the chat box.
- Questions can appear at any moment in the chat box: during the talk and after. At the end of the talk, you select the interesting questions within the time limit of the talk and give the floor to the author of the question.
- When the time is over, you close the e-room (small door on the top right of the screen) except if the speaker has not finished his talk, in which case he/she is in charge of closing the talk and the room.
For speakers:
You should prepare:
- a 5mn talk if you are presenting a poster posters (no associated questions)
- a 15mn talk if:
- you are presenting a short paper (6 pages paper associated to the talk)
- you are presenting a “Young Researcher” contribution
- a 30mn talk if:
- you are presenting a long paper (12 pages paper associated with the talk)
- you are an invited speaker (“Advanced Introduction” or “New Result”)
- a 2h talk if you are presenting a tutorial.
Before the conference (and before reading the lines below), please take a couple of minutes to practice in the common virtual room these short tutorials:
- CS-DC’15 Attendee guide (22s),
- How to use the BBB interface and upload a presentation (70s),
- CS-DC’15 Moderator guide (52s) and
- How to record a BBB session (41s)
As a speaker, please follow the instructions below to upload your pdf presentation in your the e-room associated to your talk (click on the appropriate button in the program). If you pre-recorded your talk, opening the e-room will open access to your talk.
- If you are delivering your talk live, you are either in front of your computer or in front of a computer in a real-world room. Your talk must start exactly at the announced time, so please, open your e-room at least 3 minutes before your talk.
- If you need to pre-record your talk, you can click on this link to open complementary tutorials. You can also create your own pre-recorded video and upload it on YouTube. In this case, you only need to insert the url of your video in http://community.cs-dc.org.
- At least 3mn before the starting time of your talk, log into the e-room of your talk with your e-mail, that will be recognized as the speaker e-mail. You will share with the current e-session chair the role of moderating the e-room. As a speaker, you will be able to upload your pdf presentation file.
- In case of a pre-recorded talk, please tell your attendees to click on the url of your talk.
- In case of a live presentation, please open your audio/video BBB channel. As a speaker, you are the only one in the e-room with an open audio-video channel and as such, you will be the only one to appear the screen. Furthermore, you have control on the BBB e-room and can change slides using the appropriate buttons on the bottom of your pdf. Please remain in the front of your computer during your talk for a good recording. You can use the little BBB red disk as a red laser pointer.
- Please end your talk at least 5mn before the planned time, so that you can answer questions from the audience. The e-session chair will select questions that will be asked to you. Please answer them.
- When questions are finished, you and the attendees must leave room (this will also close your audio/video channel). The next talk will be starting in another room at the announced time, so if you finish late, it is possible that your audience will leave the room to listen to the next speaker.
Table of Contents:
- Invited Speakers & the pre-Program ( – 30 Jun)
- Call for Papers & Submission (- 30 Jun)
- e-Registration in real-world rooms (15 Jun – 28 Sept)
- Why should you organize a mini CS-DC’15 event with its real-world room(s)?
- Why are CS-DC’15 real-world rooms necessary for plenary talks ?
- How to organize CS-DC’15 real world e-track meetings in real-world rooms?
- How to test the quality of the videoconference tool BBB in a real-world room?
- What is e-Registration in CS-DC’15 ?
- What is the e-Registration in a Real-World Room (RWR)?
- Assignment & reviewing process (30 Jun – 15 Aug)
- Proceedings & Program (15 Aug – 31 Aug)
- How and when a speaker has to declare is time constraints 30 Sept – 1 Oct ?
- What the authors of an accepted paper have to do just after 15 Aug ?
- Why and How an e-track program introduces e-session segments ?
- Who is the chair and secretary of an e-session segment ?
- What are the e-conference proceedings?
- e-conference preparation (22 Aug – 28 Sept)
- Experimenting and pre-recording your talk (7 Sept – 8 Sept)?
- Experimenting and pre-recording your talk with BBB (7 Sept)?
- Experimenting and pre-recording your talk with VLC (8 Sept)?
- Experimenting your e-session with the videoconference tool BBB (14 Sept)?
- What are the e-conference proceedings (28 Sept)?
- e-conference (30 Sept – 1 Oct)
- How each attendee can achieve its own agenda in the e-conference?
- What has to do an attendee for asking a question ?
- How an attendee can visualise posters?
- How do live presentations work?
- What has to do a speaker for giving a talk?
- What the chair has to do if the audio-video channel is not working?
- What are the role of the chair and the secretary during an e-sub-session?
- What is the role of e-track chairs in their e-sessions?
- How work the e-session Prizes?
- How work the e-track Prizes?
- How work the e-conference Prizes?
- CS-DC’15 Talk gallery & post publishing (1 Oct – )
- What is the CS-DC’15 Talk Gallery ?
- How works Post-publishing ? (Pierre)
- PC and OC Committees
- What kind of invited talks?
- What is the pre-Program?
- When the pre-program will be published?
- Is there a tutorial for the submissions?
There are two expected kinds of invited talks (½-page abstract or 6-page or 12-page) for the transdisciplinary e-conferences of the CS-DC series:
- an Advanced Introduction on a topic is presenting in a clear fashion the main results and remaining scientific challenges of the topic.
- a New Result introduction on a topic is presenting a new main result and how this new result opens the road to some remaining scientific challenges.
Both have to be presented in a clear and understandable way for the large transdisciplinary audience of CS-DC’15. The plenary speakers of the e-conference have 45-minute presentations. The invited speakers of e-tracks and e-sessions have 30-minute presentations.
The invited talks are essential in the trans-disciplinary framework of CS-DC’15 at all levels of the e-conference:
- the plenary speakers are giving advanced introductions or new result introductions at the level of generality of the e-conference
- the e-track invited speakers are giving advanced introductions or new result talks at the level of generality of the e-track, especially on topics that are not covered by e-sessions.
- the e-session invited speakers are giving advanced introductions or new result talks well covering the e-session topic.
Altogether, the invited talks constitute the CS-DC’15 pre-program. For each invited speaker, the pre-program contains the title of the talk, the name of the invited speakers, his/her institution, the title and the abstract, a personal webpage, a photo and a very short biography.
As such, the pre-program must already be very attractive. Its first edition will be published on the CS-DC’15 website on June 15th (abstract deadline). Then It will be regularly updated.
Yes, first a getting started tutorial here and then a submission tutorial for using the Organisation Conference System (OCS).
- How is built the Call for Papers?
- What is a paper/poster on a great question?
- What is a paper/poster on a great domain?
- Is there a tutorial for the submissions?
The ten e-tracks of the Call for Papers are constructed from the International Roadmap on Complex Systems with:
- the five first e-tracks on the great theoretical questions are for the new Complex Systems Science
- the five following e-tracks on the great domains are for the new integrative and predictive science in complex matter and in biological, cognitive, socio-environmental and global systems.
The same matrix crossing the great questions with the great domains can be explored theoretically along the great questions or, dually, experimentally along the great domains. It is still the same matrix, just refined, when looking at the e-sessions of the theoretical e-tracks and the e-sessions of the experimental e-tracks.
Your paper/poster is starting from a theoretical topic and will cross typically at least one experimental domain.
- If your topic belongs to an e-session of a theoretical e-track, it has to be submitted in this e-session.
- if your topic belongs to a theoretical e-track without belonging to any of its e-sessions, it has to be submitted in the open e-session of the e-track
- if the previous is not possible, it has to be submitted to the open e-session of “Foundations of Complex Systems Science”
Your paper/poster is starting from an experimental topic and will cross typically at least one theoretical question.
- if your topic belongs to an e-session of a experimental e-track, it has to be submitted in this e-session.
- if your topic belongs to a experimental e-track without belonging to any of its e-sessions, it has to be submitted in the open e-session of the e-track
- if the previous is not possible, it has to be submitted to the open e-session of “From Molecules to the Ecosphere”
Yes, first a getting started tutorial here and then a submission tutorial for using the Organisation Conference System (OCS).
- Why should you organize CS-DC’15 real-world e-track meetings in real-world rooms?
- Why a fortiori to organize CS-DC’15 real-world meetings for the plenary talks ?
- How to organize CS-DC’15 real world e-track meetings in real-world rooms?
- How to test the quality of the videoconference tool BBB in a real-world room?
- What is e-Registration in CS-DC’15 ?
- What is the final e-Registration of an attendee ?
- For any e-track, the maximum number of connections from around the world is about 150. It is therefore recommended to organize real-world meetings for following an e-track. Each local meeting
- counts as only 1 connection, whatever the number of attendees.
- such local meetings are the place for new transdisciplinary interactions.
- these new transdisciplinary relationships can be used after the conference for organizing e-seminars and e-workshops, making these interactions recurrent and stable.
- The list of local meetings for each e-track will posted online with their precise address and indicating when they are open (see: How to organize CS-DC’15 local meetings ?). Attendees will be registered through these meetings.
- The order of priority will
- start with the speakers,
- then the number of registered attendees of a local meetings,
- then the membership of the home institution to the UNESCO UniTwin or to a country of the South.
- The effort of an attendee to join as many local meetings as available for him/her is also a criterium.
- The date of registration will be a secondary criterion in the case of equal numbers of attendees.
- For plenary talks, the maximum number of connections from around the world is also about 150. But there is only one e-track, the one of plenary speakers. Thus the pressure of attendees is around ten times more than for the other talks.
- Thus, it is an absolute necessity to organize real world meetings for the plenary speakers. See Why to organize CS-DC’15 real-world e-track meetings in real-world rooms? and How to organize CS-DC’15 real world e-track meetings in real-world rooms?
- The registration is in the same time a call for real-world meetings: any attendee can propose to other nearby attendees interested by the same e-track a real-world room, that can be:
- a visioconference room
- any free public place
- his/her personal desk
- any other personal place
- The offer of a real-world room is mentioning (¼ hour for the survey):
- names of the room coordinator(s): possibly several one for covering the opening time
- the followed e-track,
- its physical address,
- its opening times,
- the size of the room (how many participants),
- the adequation of videoprojection and loudspeakers to the size of the room (a simple computer is sufficient until 4-5 participants)
- the test results of down & up facilities (see : How to test the quality of the videoconference tool BBB in a real-world room?),
- It is especially important that scientists in the same institution organize real world meetings covering as many e-tracks as possible.
- Two meetings on the same e-track and in the same institution have to merge.
- The list of local meetings for each e-track will posted online with their precise features above. Attendees will be registered through these real world e-track meetings (What is e-Registration in CS-DC’15 ?).
the room coordinator(s) can use the following tutorial for measuring the down and up quality of the videoconference tool BBB:
- the down flow,
- video,
- sound.
- the up flow,
- webcam, microphone, chat
- microphone, chat
- chat.
This e-registration offers the following novelties:
- It is free because CS-DC’15 is an e-conference.
- It is asking you to organize real-world meetings: see How to organize CS-DC’15 real world meetings in real-world rooms?
- It is asking you to select your preferred e-track.
- The e-registration in CS-DC’15 also provides a free individual associate membership in the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin and the opportunity to participate to the CS-DC activities.
On Sept 15, a list or RWRs will be available for people to register to the room (to be sent to the RWR chair).
- What is the role of the e-Session PC?
- Paper assignment process: using a semi-automated assignment recommendation tool
- What is the collaborative peer-to-peer review mode?
- Providing either diffusion lists or classical list of e-mails for its e-Session.
- Selecting its invited speakers (no limit on numbers in 2015).
- Choosing between the classical double blind and the new collaborative peer-to-peer review process and managing its own review process (see below).
- Assigning papers to reviewers (see below).
In order to assist the e-Track PC in the difficult task of assigning papers to reviewers, a semi-automated assignment recommendation tool is provided. It requires that authors and reviewers both submit lists of keywords that can be matched with each other. This tool is also configured to avoid situations in which authors are reviewers of each other’s papers (including triangular or larger cycles) or if reviewers belong to the same organization as authors. In the end, the small proportion of ill-matched assignments between papers and reviewers must be double-checked by the e-Track PC (on the basis of the abstracts), to guarantee the best quality reviewing of papers.
In CS-DC’15, we are introducing a novel collaborative peer review procedure (partly inspired from the Frontiers Journal, cf. http://www.frontiersin.org/about/reviewsystem). In this mode, reviewers are mostly taken among submitting authors of the same track in order to involve them constructively in the reviewing process.
Because submitting a paper creates the need to obtain reviews from experts of the same domain, CS-DC’15 requests authors to participate to the reviewing process by employing them as reviewers within the track they have been submitting to. Because reviewers are also authors within the same conference, they are involved and interested to improve the quality of the conference.
The proposed collaborative peer review scheme (for e-sessions who chose it) is made of two phases:
Phase 1) Independent Review (before 2015-08-15)
During this independent review phase, reviewers assess the submitted papers independently from each other and from the authors.
The shift from phase 1 to phase 2 takes place independently for each paper as soon as all co-authors of a paper have fulfilled their reviews assigned in phase 1.
Phase 2) Interactive Review (until 2015-08-30)
For all papers whose co-authors have completed their phase 1 review task, a second interactive phase opens, during which authors have access to the initial reviews and to the reviewer’s names and e-mails.
Authors are encouraged to:
- modify their papers according to the initial reviews and
- directly interact with all the reviewers in order to improve their papers
knowing that in this novel collaborative peer review procedure:
Only papers who obtain unanimous positive recommendation
from reviewers will be accepted.
Papers published in the proceedings will mention the name of the reviewers. Because of the unanimity rules of acceptance, this means that reviewers approved of the published work. This is a very strong incentive for the reviewers to improve the quality of the submitted papers to the best publishing standards.
- How and when a speaker has to declare is time constraints 30 Sept – 1 Oct ?
- What the authors of an accepted paper have to do just after 15 Aug ?
- Why and How an e-track program introduces e-session segments ?
- Who is the chair and secretary of an e-session segment ?
- What are the e-conference proceedings?
- (Note) CS-DC’15 program is optimized along the strong and weak constraints of time of the speakers. Its elegance is thus strongly dependent of their strong constraints.
- (Note) The selected papers are published 31 Aug.
- (How) Speakers have to minimize as such as possible strong constraints inside an as large as possible daily time link to their geographical position 30 Sept – 1 Oct. They can declare weak constraints as their convenience
- (When) The speakers have as immediately as possible after 31 Aug to propose their time constraints for 30 Sep and 1 Oct
- The authors have immediately to choose the speakers of their paper.
- The speakers have immediately to propose their time constraints for 30 Sep and 1 Oct – See How and when a speaker has to declare time constraints 30 Sept – 1 Oct ?
- Each author has to complete his/her institution, personal webpage, a photo, a very short biography
- The authors have to upload in an open archive their final version of the paper as quickly as possible and in any case before 31 Aug.
- Immediately after uploading the final version in open scientific archive, they have to complete the description of the paper with the Url for downloading the final paper.
- Each selected paper will have its own BBB room for training and pre-recording after 31 Aug
- (note) An e-session of an e-track has speakers distributed on the planet with their daily constraints of time.
- Thus an e-session can be distributed in several e-session segments.
- Given the geographical position of each speaker and his/her daily constraints, the e-track program is optimizing the distribution of e-sessions into e-session segments
- (Note) The program is optimizing the distribution of e-session into e-session segments (see Why and How an e-track program introduce e-session segments).
- The chair of the e-session is asking, for chairing each e-session segment, someone well audio-video connected who can be:
- one e-session co-chair
- himself/herself
- some member of the e-session segment
- Each chair of a e-session segment can ask a secretary to help him/her for managing the e-session.
- (Note) The chair and the secretary of each e-session segment are mentioned into the program. Every member of the each e-session segment has to know who they are.
The CS-DC’15 program is:
- the set of its e-track programs including the invited speakers and the selected papers.
- optimizing the compactness of e-session (distributed into e-session segments) along the time constraints of the speakers and their talk lengths.
- Experimenting and pre-recording your talk (7 Sept – 8 Sept)?
- Experimenting and pre-recording your talk with BBB (7 Sept)?
- Experimenting and pre-recording your talk with VLC (8 Sept)?
- Experimenting your e-session with the videoconference tool BBB (14 Sept)?
- What are the e-conference proceedings (28 Sept)?
It is strongly recommended in all cases to experiment and, why not, to record your experiment. It is mandatory to experiment and pre-record a poster talk. It is mandatory to experiment and pre-record your talk, if you have doubt on the quality of your audio-video connection during the conference.
- Please try preferentially to find around a well audio-video connected place and use your private e-room attributed to each paper and poster by the videoconference tool BBB for experimenting and pre-recording (see Experimenting and pre-recording your talk with BBB (7 Sept)?)
- Please use VLC for pre-recording your talk If there is around no well audio-video connected place (see Experimenting and pre-recording your talk with VLC (8 Sept)?)
If there is any audio-video difficulties during the conference, your recorded talk can be replayed.
Please remember that the talk is 5-min (2-page poster), 15-min (6-page paper) or your 30-min (12-page paper or invited talks)
Please find around a well audio-video connected place. You requires only your computer and the web conference interface for your private attributed e-room, with you sitting in the front of the interface. Please follow the instructions of the tutorial you received with the Url of your private room:
- activate the two buttons on the top–left (micro, webcam). For pre-recording your talk, please activate also the “recording button” the rightest of the top-left
- if your presentation is with movies or simulation, take the floor, activate the third button on the top-left “share your screen” and start your talk as usual.
- if your presentation is pdf like, upload a pdf and start your talk as usual.
- all your trials are recorded. Please stop when you consider that your best recorded trial is satisfying.
Please enter in the dedicated survey the Url of your best recorded trial in order it is possible to replay it during the e-conference.
If your audio-video connection works well during the conference, you are managing your talk exactly in the same way you were pre-recording it with BBB tool.
You have around no well audio-video connected place. Again, you requires only your computer:
- The recommendation is to use VLC for recording your talk with you sitting in the front of your.
- A tutorial will be available for using VLC for recording and for storing your best recorded trial in the CS-DC Owncloud.
Please enter in the dedicated survey the Url of your best recorded trial in order it is possible to replay it during the e-conference
- This experimentation is crucial for the success of the e-conference. The whole 14 Sept will be devoted to experiment the videoconference system BBB under the assistance of several experimented BBB users. Successive one-half hour experiments will proposed, when they are available, to:
- e-track (co-)chairs
- e-session (co-)chairs
- real-world room secretaries
- speakers
- A one-half hour experiment will use the following protocol:
- the first 10 minutes will be a presentation/experimentation of the videoconference system BBB with experimented BBB users on the “Test e-track”
- the next 10 minutes will be an autonomous experimentation for pre-playing their own e-session on their own e-track
- the last 10 minutes will be questions to experimented users again on the “Test track”
The e-conference proceedings will be available online before the conference with an ISBN number. Each contribution will comprise:
- for each author, the name, the institution, the personal webpages, a photo, either a very short biography or, preferentially, his/her own challenge in the studies of complex systems
- the title, the abstract and the Url for uploading the full text from an open scientific archive and for and.
Then, a selection of the best papers will be published by Springer’s Proceedings in Complexity Series.
- How each attendee can achieve its own agenda in the e-conference?
- What has to do an attendee for asking a question ?
- How an attendee can visualise posters?
- How do live presentations work?
- What has to do a speaker for giving a talk?
- What the chair has to do if the audio-video channel is not working?
- What are the role of the chair and the secretary during an e-sub-session?
- What is the role of e-track chairs in their e-sessions?
- How work the e-session Prizes?
- How work the e-track Prizes?
- How work the e-conference Prizes?
As an attendee, you receive your final e-registration as an agenda with the list of accepted e-sub-sessions where you are admitted and, for each e-sub-session, your preferred e-track real-world room (see final e-registration). During your agenda, you have to be:
- either in a real-world room with other attendees under a collective name
- or connected under your full name through BBB in your browser only to one e-track for (i) avoiding any risk of Larsen effect and (ii) do make at given time the connected list of attendees as short as possible
Thus, along your agenda, you shift from an e-sub-session to the next one and that can imply also a shift of e-track. In order to remain always connected to maximum one e-track:
- Please either simply quit the current real-world room or close your BBB in your browser of your present e-track
- Please either simply enter in a new real-world room or open in your browser the new e-track with the Url and password you have received in your final agenda
- Write your question very briefly
- either on the chat of your BBB in your browser (your name is automatically or
- on piece of paper with your name to the real-world room coordinator who will put your name & question on the BBB chat of the coordinator browser
- When the chair gives you the floor:
- either you are in front of your computer or you have to go in front of the computer of the e-track real-world room,
- During a question, both the attendee and the speaker are
- either audio-video connected:(i) please activate the two buttons on the top–left (webcam and micro); (ii) ask your question. (iii) When the reply is finished, close your micro and webcam.
- or only audio connected:(i) please activate the button on the top–left (micro); (ii) ask your question. (iii) When the reply is finished, close your micro.
- or only chat connected: the speaker can provide an oral response for the general audience and can write to you, in the same time in the chat, a short written response.
- Poster talks are pre-recorded and thus are available for replay at any time from any place.
- Poster will be broadcasted in a special e-track if broadcasting will be available on the videoconference system BBB at the time of the conference.
Principles are:
- Live presentations include time for questions that can arise from all around the world during the e-meeting. Please make sure they are shorter than the maximum allowed time in order to allow for some questions.
- Live presentations have to be pre-recorded, in order to work even if there is connection difficulties during the conference. (see pre-recording and What the chair has to do if the audio-video channel is not working?)
- During a talk, there is only ONE audio-video channel open: the audio-video channel of the current speaker for the quality of the recording.
- The main principles:
- During a talk, ONLY your audio-video channel has to be open for the quality of the recording
- Your live presentations has to be pre-recorded, in order to work even if your audio-channel is not working during the e-conference. (see pre-recording and What the chair has to do if the audio-video channel is not working?)
- You require only your computer and the BBB tool in your browser, with you sitting in the front of your computer. Two cases have to be distinguished, when the chair gives you the floor:
- case 1: your presentation is with movies and/or simulation OR your presentation is not recorded: please activate the three buttons on the top–left (micro, webcam and “share your screen”).
- Please present your talk exactly as usual
- case 2: your slides are already recorded in the BBB tool:please activate only the two buttons on the top–left (micro, webcam)
- Please present your talk exactly as usual except you have to click on the arrows in the BBB tool in your browser for shifting forward and backward your slides.
- (remark) if the audio-video connection is not working, please follow the chair advises.
- case 1: your presentation is with movies and/or simulation OR your presentation is not recorded: please activate the three buttons on the top–left (micro, webcam and “share your screen”).
- Reply to the questions: you can show some slides as usual backward and forward
- When questions are finished, close the three buttons in case 1 and the two buttons in case 2
- If the audio-video channel is not working:
- if there is no pre-record of the talk, the chair is advising the speaker to find a well audio-video connection for pre-recording the talk (see pre-recording the talk).
- if there is a pre-record of the talk, the chair is giving the Url of the replay. After the replay:
- If the audio connection is not working, the chair shifts to the next talk.
- If the audio connection is working, the question part of the talk is recorded as usual.
(note) In the program, an e-session can comprise more than one e-sub-session segment, each one with its chair and its secretary if any (see Why and How an e-track program introduce e-session segments ?).
The management of an e-session segment requires only one computer, with an open audio-video connection with the CS-DC’15 videoconference tool BBB.
The roles of the e-sub-session chair are:
- to stop the BBB recording after the last question to the current speaker (necessary to have a separation between the talks for the replays) and, immediately,
- to launch one of the two scenarios for the next speaker:
- if recording the talk is preferred, the chair activates the “record button”and give the floor to the speakers and then select in the BBB chat of the e-track the best next question, giving the floor to the attendee asking this question,
- if the pre-recorded talk is preferred, the chair gives in the BBB chat the Url in order that the attendees and the chair can see the presentation. Then the chair is activating the “record button” for recording the questions he/she has selecting in the BBB chat as above.
This two actions (stopping the previous recording, starting the new recording either of the talk or the questions) are crucial for recording separately the talks for future replaying.
The help of the current e-session secretary if any is
- to do these two actions for each new talk.
- to check the actions to be done by the speakers and the attendees asking a question
- to open the audio-video channel of the new speaker if not open
- to close the audio-video channel of the previous speaker if not close
- to open the audio-video channel of an attendee asking a question if not open
- to close the audio-video channel of the attendee after the response if not close
(note) In the program, the e-track (co-)chairs have the responsibility of
- the e-track invited speakers e-session and
- the e-track open e-session
These e-sessions can comprise more than one e-sub-session. each one with its chair (see Why and How an e-track program introduce e-session segments ?):
- The e-sub-session chair and secretary has to be nominated by the e-track chair. In particular, for the open e-session, chairs can be chosen among the speakers after the selection of papers.
- The role of the chair and secretary of such e-sub-session is exactly the same as in What are the role of the chair and the secretary during an e-sub-session?
For each e-session, a best paper jury and best poster jury are constituted by asking attendees to tick a corresponding box. Members of the jury must be sure to view all papers in the session (for papers jury) or all posters in the session (for poster jury).
The best senior and student papers and the best poster of each e-session will be awarded by the majority vote of the corresponding jury. They will be mentioned in the Gallery of presentations of this e-session and will receive the certificate for their prize as well as the corresponding Open Badge.
For each e-track, a best paper jury and best poster jury are constituted by asking session chairs and co-chairs to participate to the jury (by clicking on a box). Members of the jury must be sure to view all the best papers (for papers jury) or all the best posters (for poster jury) of the e-sessions.
The best senior and student papers and the best poster of each e-track will be awarded by the majority vote of the corresponding jury. They will be mentioned in the Gallery of presentations of this e-track and will receive the certificate for their prize as well as the corresponding Open Badge.
For the conference, a best paper jury and best poster jury are constituted by asking track chairs and co-chairs and the Program Committee and Organisation Committee chairs to participate to the jury (by clicking on a box). Members of the jury must be sure to view all the best papers (for papers jury) or all the best posters (for poster jury) of the e-tracks.
The three best senior and student papers and the three best posters of each e-track will be awarded by the majority vote of the corresponding jury. They will be mentioned in the Gallery of presentations of the conference and will receive the certificates for their prize as well as the corresponding Open Badge.
- What is the CS-DC’15 Talk Gallery ?
- How works Post-publishing ? (Pierre)
- What are the Program Committees (PCs)?
- What are the Organization Committees (OCs)?
- What is the role of the PCs?
- What is the role of the OCs?
- What are the joint roles of the PCs and OCs?
- How are e-Sessions and their Chairs, co-Chairs and Secretaries chosen?
The e-Conference Program Committee comprises(with optional members in parentheses):• The Program Chair (invited: Organization Chair).• All e-Track Chairs (invited: Co-Chairs). |
An e-Track Program Committee comprises:• The e-Track Chair (invited: Co-Chairs).• All e-session Chairs (invited: Co-Chairs)An e-Session Program Committee comprises:• The e-session Chairs and Co-Chairs.• External reviewers, in the case of double-blind reviews. |
The e-Conference Organization Committee comprises:(with optional members in parentheses): • The Organization Chair (invited: Program Chair).• The Organization co-Chairs.• All e-Track Secretaries (invited: e-Track Chairs). |
The e-Track Organization Committee comprises:• The e-Track (Chair) Secretary.• The e-Session (Chair) Secretaries. |
- Completing the initial list of e-Sessions and appointing new e-Session (co-) Chairs (see: “How are e-Sessions and their Chairs, co-Chairs and Secretaries chosen?”).
- Assembling the diffusion lists at all levels (e-conference, e-track and e-session).
- Selecting the plenary speakers (e-conference PC, up to 6), the e-track invited speakers (e-track PC, up to 6) and the e-session invited speakers (e-session PC, no limit in 2015).
- Checking for unsuitable assignments from the semi-automatic assignment process (see “How does the semi-automatic assignment process work?”).
- Selecting the “long papers” (12-page), “regular papers” (6-page) and posters (3-page).
- Appointing new e-Track and e-Session secretaries.
- Building the e-Conference program, respecting the constraints of the speakers and attendees.
- Editing the proceedings online before the conference.
- Organizing the e-tracks and e-sessions on September 30 and October 1.
- All the roles of the Organization co-Chairs:
- Helping with the mailing system: helping the PCs/OCs at all levels to use their diffusion lists.
- Assigning papers semi-automatically to e-Sessions in an e-Track.
- Using the Organization Conference System (OCS) for the review process.
- Any e-laboratory of the CS-DC can launch an e-Session with its e-Session Chair. This will become increasingly frequent in the CS-DC series after 2015.
- An e-Session Chair can recruit one or more co-Chairs and one or more Secretaries.
If necessary, and to improve the efficiency of the recruiting process in 2015:
- An e-Track (co-)Chair may also directly appoint one or more e-Session Chairs/Co-Chairs and Secretaries.
- The Program Chair may also directly appoint one or more e-Track Chairs/Co-Chairs and/or e-Session Chairs/Co-Chairs.
- The Organization Chair may also directly appoint one or more e-Track Secretaries and/or e-Session Secretaries.
Each e-Track has an open e-Session for topics outside the existing e-Sessions, especially hot topics. The e-Conference has an open e-Track for the Foundations of Complex Systems Science.
Thus the constitution of e-Sessions and their Chairs is a living process until the final selection of papers, on July 15th:
- Some e-Sessions with very few talks will be included in the open e-Session of their e-Track.
- Some topics in the open e-Session of an e-Track can become a new e-Session of that e-Track.
- Some topics of the Foundations of Complex Systems Science e-Track can also become new e-Sessions of an e-Track.