”Autonomic computing” aims to address the challenge of managing complex computing systems by enabling them to self-administer (e.g. self-configure, -heal, -optimise, -protect, and -adapt). In addition to specific self-management algorithms, autonomic systems that operate in complex competitive environments must also be able to dynamically integrate such algorithms and other computing resources into a coherent whole, in order to adapt to changing objectives and to use available resources opportunistically. This presentation will show how software engineering can facilitate the understanding, development and maintenance of such networked autonomic systems; by offering a structural and methodological foundation that includes generic goal formalisations and reusable integration patterns.


Ada Diaconescu Dr. Ada Diaconescu is an assistant professor at Telecom ParisTech and member of the CNRS LTCI laboratory, in France. Her research interests include autonomic and organic computing, software engineering for self-adaptive and self-organising systems, component and service-oriented architectures and interdisciplinary solutions for managing complex computing systems.

Invited Talk e-session


Photos by : Anonymous